Friday, August 30, 2013

Racist Big Brother Contestant Finally Voted Out Of Big Brother House

It has been a long time coming but racist & homophobic Big Brother 15 castmember, Aaryn Gries, was finally given the boot & was voted out on last nights episode. I, for one, am not upset at all about her eviction. Just the fact that it took THIS long. Hopefully the next one out is Amanada's crazy ass!

Reports TheUrbanDaily:

After nearly three months of hoping and wishing that this day would come the day of reckoning has finally arrived. Aaryn Gries the racist who said some extremely vile things in the Big Brother house this summer has finally been voted out! As we previously reported, Aaryn lost her job back home as a direct result of the people she worked for being disgusted by her hateful comments.
Said her employer, Zephyr Talent in Austin,
“Aaryn, season 15 cast member of Big Brother, revealed prejudices and other beliefs that we (Zephyr Talent) do not condone. We certainly find the statements made by Aaryn on the live Internet feed to be offensive. Upon much consideration, we have decided to release Aaryn from her contract with Zephyr Talent.”
Let’s refresh our memories regarding exactly what she said during the season shall we?
Gries referred to a gay house guest as a “queer” as well as telling an Asian-American house guest to “shut up and go and make some rice” and for making racist comments about black people as well.
When referring to a black contestant, Aaryn said,
“Be careful what you say in the dark, you might not be able to see that b*tch.”
Host Julie Chen was eagerly waiting on her to come out of the house after the 5-0 vote to evict her this evening. Chen asked her about her comments to which Gries quickly tried to say her words were taken out of context. Julie Chen was fast to whip out a card that had them all listed and asked her what she meant by what she said if it was not to be racist or homophobic. Aaryn gave a frightened apology and tried to shrug it off. We don’t think Julie was buying it for a moment and neither was the live audience…some of which who boo’d her as she walked on to the stage.
We don’t know if this girl really learned much in the BB house this summer but we get the feeling that the lessons are definitely going to be learned as soon as she gets home and sees exactly what type of mess she has made of her life. See Ya!

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