Saturday, September 28, 2013

Update: Kanye West Pressing Charges Against Paparazzi (Details)

Kanye West says he’s got the goods to get at least one of the photogs who showed up at his house today PROSECUTED. Sources directly connected to Kanye say Kanye has reviewed the security footage from his Hollywood Hills home, and he says it CLEARLY shows at least one of the photogs trespassing on his private property.

Reports TMZ:
We’re told Kanye says he will file a police report and ask that the photog be prosecuted for criminal trespass.

As you know, two photogs (not TMZ) showed up at Kanye’s house at 4 AM and peppered him with questions about his feud with Jimmy Kimmel, and Kanye went ballistic.

It’s unclear who will go to the cop shop and file the report, because Kanye and Kim are on a plane right now, heading for Paris.

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