Monday, October 28, 2013

Chris Brown Arrested For Felony Assault [Update: Incident Allegedly Caused By A Photo Bomb]

Breezy was arrested in Washington, D.C. Sunday morning after allegedly attacking a man outside the W Hotel. The two apparently got into an argument around 4:30 AM, which ended with Brown punching the other man. The incident is being considered a felony assault and allegedly started over...wait for it...a photo bomb!

Reports Hot New Hip Hop:
It turns out Chris Brown was hosting a Howard Homecoming party at The Park at Fourteenth Nightclub before heading back to his hotel. After the above-mentioned altercation, both he and his bodyguard were apparently handcuffed and taken in jail, where they both remain for the time being.
According to TMZ:

"Two women approached Brown in front of the W Hotel and asked to take a picture with him. As the pic was about to be taken, two men rushed over to get in the photo. We’re told Chris then said, "I’m not into this gay shit, I'm into boxing," and threw a punch at the alleged victim. The fight was then taken to the ground."

"Chris broke his nose and he may need surgery as early as tomorrow morning. The victim confirmed he and a friend photo bombed the two women who were taking a picture with Brown when Chris went nuts. The victim says he's not a Chris Brown fan... and was just hanging with a couple girls at the hotel when he saw the singer outside. The victim says he doesn't understand why Brown would be "so homophobic" to hurl such a slur... and would have accepted an apology at the scene, but now he will absolutely press charges."

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