Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dwyane Wade’s Ex-Wife Catches A Break In Custody Battle

The drawn out custody battle between NBA champion Dwyane Wade and his ex-wife Siovaughn Funches is far from over. In fact, things have just swung in Funches’ favor.
Reports The Urban Daily:
In case you missed a piece of the saga that is this custody battle, D. Wade and his lawyers attempted to have his ex-wife mentally evaluated after she was videotaped sitting outside of a courthouse protesting the family court that awarded full custody of the children to the NBA star. Also, Wade tried to have Funches’ visitation time cut even shorter than what it already is. However, his motion was denied.

A Third District Court of Appeals judge ruled that Siovaughn’s videotaped protest wasn’t enough to have her mentally evaluated because she was simply voicing her opinions. Siovaughn Funches got another break when the judge mandated that Antonio Marin, the judge who was presiding over the custody case, be removed. The reason for Marin’s dismissal was he sided with Wade and denied Funches “the most basic right of due process.”

Obviously, Funches and her attorney Lisa Macci were very pleased with the outcome of the appeal. Macci stated, “We’re getting a new judge and the order that Siohvaughn undergo a psychological evaluation is no more,” Macci said. “Justice prevailed. I’m just happy the appeals court was not swayed by (Wade’s) celebrity status as law should not be.”

Dwyane Wade’s legal team couldn’t be reached for comment.

In case you forgot...

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