Friday, October 18, 2013

Kanye Encourages Kim K Not To Get More Major Plastic Surgery

Kim Kardashian's appearance is always a topic of conversation -- usually in a good way. However, since giving birth to her adorable daughter North West, Kim has apparently been very self conscious of her body.

Reports Vlad:

According to reports from RadarOnline, Kim has considered going under the knife in order to regain her pre-pregnancy figure, but due to Kanye's firm requests, she has chosen more natural methods of getting back into shape. Kanye's mother, Donda West, died back in 2007 at 58 years old due to "multiple post-operative factors" after having a liposuction and breast-reduction surgery.  
An unidentified source spoke to about how Kanye has influenced Kim to stay away from going through major plastic surgeries.

"Kim was certain that she wanted to have surgery after giving birth because she wanted a head start on losing her baby weight. He (Kanye) really flipped out. Kanye told Kim in no uncertain terms that she needed to put her baby and her life first. He got pretty emotional because he really didn't want her going through that kind of major surgery. He's still traumatized from his mom's death 
"Kanye was devastated by her passing and it's made him extremely protective of those he loves. He really put his foot down and told Kim the surgery ban is a condition of being with him. To her credit, she considered Kanye's position and decided not to go through with the operation.

"Kim has had a much harder time losing the baby weight than she ever anticipated. She works out extremely hard and everyone said she would shed the weight fast, but it just hasn't happened. Kim is telling everyone that she doesn't want to go out in public unless she absolutely has to, because she's still too self-conscious of her body. She keeps saying that she doesn't want to have to look at 'fat' pictures for years. 
"Kanye just laughs at it. It's pretty obvious he thinks she's just being dramatic. He loves the way she looks. He's fine with her getting Botox and fillers, but anything that requires getting knocked out, like lipo, is a huge no no in his book. They'll find a compromise. Kanye tries to let Kim do as she pleases, but this issue is really important to him, and she understands."

Do you think Kim really needs surgery to regain her former figure?

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