Monday, November 18, 2013

K. Michelle: “That Massive Camel Toe Pic Of Me Is Photoshopped!”

K. Michelle was involved in a massive camel-toe trending topic last night on Twitter. So the singer chimed in to clear up the alleged rumor.

Reports YBF:
So the pic above, namely the one on the left, started burning up Twitter late last night. It’s K. Michelle performing on her Rebellious Soul tour stop in Chicago at The Shrine a few nights ago. With a ridiculously large camel toe.

With tweets like “Her vagina is singing backup” taking over the Twitter landscape, “LAHH” star K. Michelle addressed the foolery saying it’s actually photoshopped.

 And now…another look at that camel toe.

 photo _DSC0102_zps33893739.jpg
 photo KMichelleonstageatTheShrineCHI_zps445e8ca7.jpg
Kind of hard to photoshop a video though 

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