Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Kanye West Explains Siding With Jay Z Over Dame Dash

When the split between former Roc-A-Fella Records business associates Dame Dash and Jay Z took place in the early 2000s, rapper Kanye West was one of a handful of artists who sided with Jay following the split. This week the Chicago wordsmith revealed the reason why he took the Brooklyn emcee’s side during the ordeal.

Reports Hip Hop DX:
According to Kanye, despite relating to Dame more, he felt he had more to learn from Jay Z, specifically his ability to be personable. 
“The problem was with Dame his truth was more accurate and more closer to what mine was, but his technique was harsh for me as a young kid and stuff,” he said. “I felt like a little bit more pressure. And Jay Z was a nice guy. And also I felt like I had that truth that Dame has in him. We the same. Me and Cam, me and Dame, we the same. But I wanted to learn this technique that Jay got of actually being likable…So, Jay Z know how to move in a room full of vultures. You know what I’m saying? As his little brother, I needed to learn that technique because I got something that God want me to give the world.”

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