Monday, November 11, 2013

Spike Lee’s George Zimmerman Mistake Puts Couple In Danger, Sparks Hate Mail

Renowned movie director Spike Lee reportedly has a serious suit on his hands after accidentally revealing the wrong address he believed belonged to Travyon Martin shooter George Zimmerman.

Reports Sohh:
According to reports, the suit blames Spike for igniting massive amounts of hate mail and even death threats directed at a couple.

Spike Lee was so blinded by rage over George Zimmerman’s shooting of Trayvon Martin … he tweeted the address of an elderly couple, believing it was Zimmerman’s … and they claim Spike put their lives in grave danger. David and Elaine McClain claim in a new lawsuit Lee was so filled with hate he got the wrong address and carelessly threw it up online … just days after the shooting. In the lawsuit … the McClains say they received numerous death threats and hate mail … and feared for their lives as their address was re-Tweeted countless times. The McClains say Lee’s Tweet of their address encouraged “a dangerous mob mentality.” Now they want a lot more for their troubles and grief. (TMZ)

One of the plaintiffs has already spoken out about the post-tweet effects.
McClain said she’s still getting hate letters in the mail, which is why she’s suing for negligence. “How would he handle this if someone did this to his mother to be terrorized? To be afraid to be home in their kitchen (when) someone goes by the house and is going slow? People again are still tweeting this out and we’re still getting mail,” McClain said. (WESH)

Despite initially receiving an apology and settlement from Lee, the couple claim they have continued to suffer.

The McClains settled with Lee on March 29, 2012. Lee also tweeted an apology. However, the lawsuit contends that other people continued to tweet and retweet the address afterward, causing them “substantial injury.” Lee, the suit claims, negligently encouraged “a dangerous mob mentality among his Twitter followers” and the public. The lawsuit claims the couple still have trouble sleeping and are anxious and fearful. It also alleges that the market value of their home has dropped because of the publicity. (Orlando Sentinel)

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