Sunday, December 15, 2013

UPDATE: Complex Responds To Wale’s Explosive Threats, Says MMG Rapper Should Work Harder

Hours after Maybach Music Group’s Wale ignited the Internet with audio of him verbally attacking Complex Magazine staff, the publication has come forward to provide clarity into the situation. According to Complex Associate Editor Insanul Ahmed, the company has no personal issues with the MMG rapper.

“Wale did not come to our office. We reached out to Wale’s publicist and management and offered that he could come to our office for a sit-down, on-camera interview where he could vent his frustrations to create a more constructive dialogue about our list. In the end, the camp declined our offer. Complex has no grudge against Wale or any other artist. Wale is an active, relevant artist and someone we have always covered and will continue to cover. He’s made many of our lists in the past. On a more personal note, I have advocated for his music many times in the office and outside. Funny thing is, Wale made this accusation before and back in 2011, I sat down with Wale and talked to him for several hours. I felt like we had worked out whatever issues it was back then.” (HHDX)

Ahmed also suggested Wale could learn from his Top 50 Albums of 2013 exclusion and work harder for future lists.

“Anyone who’s an artist and creates a piece of art wants recognition for what they create. So I totally understand someone’s frustrations for being left out of a list or an award shows nomination. But look at the way Lil Wayne–who also didn’t make our albums list–handled being left out of the BET and VMA nods earlier this year; he took it as a cue to work harder. There’s a lesson there.” (HHDX)

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