Saturday, January 25, 2014

Hi Haters: Richard Sherman Stands Make $5 Million In Endorsements For Post Game Rant

The NFL confirmed that it has officially fined Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman $7,875 for unsportsmanlike conduct and taunting after his postgame antics last Sunday.

But it’s not all bad for Sherman, who has explained and apologized for the rant. CNN reports that the cornerback could make some $5 million in endorsements as a result of the attention surrounding his rant.

According to Sherman’s agent, Jamie Fritz, that many are now interested in Sherman following the rant. While Sherman’s current endorsements “amount to just a bit more than his $550,000 NFL salary,” Fritz believes there are millions in deals that will be signed soon, some before the Super Bowl is played Feb. 2.

“We have some new players who have come to the table who are starting the conversation,” Fritz said.

Some advertisers are worried about the controversy generated by the rant. But Fritz thinks the rant was more positive than negative for Sherman’s image. “I think that he’s more likable,” he said. “People love this. The brand managers love this.”

“He’s going to be the very hot interview in next couple of weeks. I’m sure you’re see someone take advantage of him,” said Jordan Schlachter. executive vice president, sports for The Marketing Arm, a firm that arranges endorsement deals.


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