Friday, February 28, 2014

Breaking News: Phaedra Parks Under Federal Investigation For Racketeering?

The other shoe is about to drop.

Confidential sources tell exclusively that the U.S. Attorney will grant “someone” immunity from prosecution for their testimony against local attorney and reality TV star Phaedra Parks. The source also said that Parks “will likely be prosecuted” on racketeering and conspiracy charges. 
Here is the kicker: there is no statute of limitations on felony crimes that were committed years ago. The statute of limitations clock doesn’t start ticking until law enforcement becomes aware of the crimes.  
This means Parks will likely be prosecuted for crimes that were alleged by author Angela Stanton in her best-selling book, Lies of a Real Housewife. Additionally, my source says prosecutors have a list of witnesses who are currently doing time in prisons who will possibly testify against Parks in return for a reduction of their sentences.


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