Saturday, March 29, 2014

DeSean Jackson Responds To Gang Affiliation Rumors

DeSean Jackson has responded to recent allegations of gang membership after getting cut from the Philadelphia Eagles yesterday.

After the player was cut from the Eagles, several news outlets reported that the wide receiver was cut due to his alleged ties with gang members. In a statement posted on his Facebook page, the player denies any gang activity and thanks the coaches for his time with the team.

"First I would like to thank the Eagles organization, the Eagles fans and the city of Philadelphia for my time in Philly. I would also like to thank coach Andy Reed [sic] for bringing me in. Secondly, I would like to address the misleading and unfounded reports that my release has anything to do with any affiliation that has been speculated surrounding the company I keep off of the field. I would like to make it very clear that I am not and never have been part of any gang. I am not a gang member and to speculate and assume that I am involved in such activity off the field is reckless and irresponsible. I work very hard on and off the field and I am a good person with good values. I am proud of the accomplishments that I have made both on and off the field. I have worked tirelessly to give back to my community and have a positive impact on those in need. It is unfortunate that I now have to defend myself and my intentions. These reports are irresponsible and just not true . I look forward to working hard for my new team. God Bless."

Jackson's spokeswoman Denise White told reporters that six NFL teams have already reached out to the player.

"He's like, 'I'm ready for my next team. I want to go in there, show them I am the Pro Bowl player that I am and give them 110%,' " White said. "He's not letting this get him down, although it definitely concerns him, and he doesn't like what's going on. At the same time he has a job to do, and he knows whatever team he ends up on, he needs to be ready. He wants to go somewhere where they want him."

vlad via usatoday 

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