Friday, March 21, 2014

VH1 ‘Black Ink Crew’ Star Accuses CO-STAR Of Giving Her A Roofie, Sues For $3 Milli

Alexandra Estevez – of VH1‘s Black Ink Crew FAME — has filed an amended complaint against media powerhouse Viacom in which she claims co-star Richard Duncan allegedly caused her to black out by slipping her a date rape drug.

As previously reported, Estevez filed a $1 million lawsuit in New York late last year against Black Ink Crew producers and the network of the wild tattoo reality show, claiming that while filming she was handed a drink that contained a “date rape drug” by someone on the production team. It allegedly caused her to black out for the night. 
Estevez also insisted that producers edited the show to make her look promiscuous. As a result, she quit, saying she felt too violated to continue.
Now, according to her amended complaint, a copy of which Radar has exclusively obtained, she’s now asking for $3 million.
According to a sworn affidavit by Estevez, her claim stems from the October 18, 2012 filming of a party for one of the cast members in an episode titled, “Mixxxy Madness.”
She said in the complaint about Richard Duncan, known on Black Ink Crew by his professional name, O’S**t, “Not long after my arrival at the party Mr. Duncan approached me and Ericka Santana while we were in one of the front rooms of the tattoo parlor.

“He offered, and we allowed him to pour what we thought was Red Bull energy drink into the cups that we were each holding containing alcohol.

“Mr. Duncan entered the room with the can of Red Bull already in his possession. I did not have more than two drinks up to that point….Shortly after drinking from the cup Mr. Duncan poured into, I blanked out. My recollection of that night is based upon what people have told me, and obviously the video that was later aired.”
Estevez’s affidavit continued, “I never consented to be drugged as I apparently was. No one believed me and subsequent episodes of the show depicted me as a liar. Thankfully, I wasn’t the only one who had the experience.”

The reality starlet believes she was drugged with either ecstasy or date rape drugs!
Previous legal documents filed by co-defendants Big Fish Entertainment and New Pop Culture Productions responded to the allegations on Jan. 24, 2014, blasting Estevez for her “bald legal conclusions” and “vague allegations of wrongdoing.”

The producers noted that she never explained how the “John Doe” she claims roofied her is tied to them and doesn’t explain what type of drink it was, when it was given to her, or how she came in contact with it from “John Doe.”

Furthermore, the response claims the lawsuit never lists any factual medical support that she was battered or drugged and they say she never explains her role in the incident.
The defendants want her lawsuit dismissed completely due to her vague allegations and lack of evidence for her claims.

But now, Estevez is “respectfully requesting that Defendant’s motion to dismiss the Verified Complaint be denied so that Plaintiffs will have an opportunity to continue this action to its conclusion that that the entire case can be heard on the merits.”


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