Saturday, April 19, 2014

Comedian Mike Epps Accused Of Bashing Woman In Face

Actor/comedian Mike Epps is facing some serious accusations from a woman claiming he struck her in the face at an “A Haunted House 2″ after party in Los Angeles.

According to reports, Epps was involved in an altercation at Lucky Strike in the downtown area of Los Angeles. Police officers say a woman named Simone Shepherd alleged she had a prior romantic relationship with Epps when she worked as his ghost writer. She wanted to confront him about something. It turns out Mike Epps had his wife with him and things went left between the two women.

All parties agree that there was a very heated exchange of words between Shepherd and the comedian’s wife. When things looked to be escalating into a physical fight, Mike Epps stepped in and separated the ladies. Shepherd claims that as Epps separated her and his wife, he punched her dead in the face. Simone Shepherd called the cops and filed a police report. Cops say they observed no sign of injury to Shepherd’s face. Mike Epps vehemently denies ever laying a hand on the woman, but Shepherd says she may not have been showing signs of injury at the scene, but when she went home her face swelled up.

If you go by Mike Epps’ version of events, Shepherd is an overzealous fan who became rude and belligerent when the comedian asked for privacy because he was with his wife. Epps claims Simone Shepherd threw a drink at the couple. Epps reacted by asking Shepherd to be escorted out of the club by security.

The case has been referred to the domestic violence division because Simone Shepherd claims of a previous relationship with Mike Epps. The case is still under investigation.



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