Sunday, May 18, 2014

50 Cent's Son Graduates High School, 50 Cent Was A No Show

Graduation season is upon us & for high school seniors it signifies a right of passage as they close one chapter to embark on the next phase of their lives. This fact is no different for the children of celeb's, including 50 Cent's son Marquies Jackson. Its just too bad this major life event wasn't important enough for Fiddy to make an appearence on the biggest day of his sons young life.

Yesterday (May 17) was a very important day for 50 Cent's son, Marquise Jackson. It was the day that Marquise graduated from high school. Unfortunately, his father wasn't there. Something Marquise says he understands all too well. Captioning a photo of him crying into his sister's arms at his graduation, Marquise writes, "Yea I broke down. I was really excited to see my pops at my graduation today but he never showed up. My sister and mama is always there for me. Just know that you wasn't. I did it without you!
You only graduate high school once. It's kind of disappointing that 50 couldn't be there for his son, regardless of the personal issues they've been having.

 According to Marquise's sister, the Facebook page that posted this photo is not Marquise's real page. Although the page appears to have over 5,000 friends and 200k followers, some including friends that know Marquise personally and attended his graduation. His sister, Mia, provided his Twitter and Instagram and says they've been trying to get the fake page shut down.

"The page has been there for years. We tried to get it deleted. Whoever runs that page has a lot of time on his hands because they create pages of our mother and I and have them correspond with one another as if it's us, but it's not."

So from the photos, 50 Cent did not appear to be at his son's graduation but according to Marquise's sister, Marquise did not make those comments.


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