Monday, May 19, 2014

NFL Baller Bryant McKinnie Ordered To Pay $150K For 4000 Unpaid Lap Dances

In 2012 Bryant McKinnie was the target of a lawsuit that contends the Baltimore Ravens offensive lineman owes $375,000 for services accumulated at South Florida strip clubs between February 2009 and September 2010.

Charles “Pop” Young, the father of rapper Trick Daddy, filed the lawsuit in Miami-Dade Circuit Court on Monday afternoon. Well, it looks like that lawsuit wasn’t too off because a new lawsuit claims the baller owes $150K for 4000 booty dances!

Turns out Bryant McKinnie‘s infamous $375,000 strip club bill wasn’t as “bogus” as he said it was; the 350-pound offensive tackle has finally agreed to pay for a massive chunk of the alleged debt, roughly 4,000 lap dances worth, aka $150,000.

According to new court documents, McKinnie recently struck a settlement agreement with Trick Daddy‘s father Charles “Pops” Young after Young sued McKinnie for $375,000 in 2012.

Young claimed McKinnie ran up the bill over a 20-month period at two of his strip clubs, including the Miami staple King of Diamonds. According to Young, McKinnie promised to pay the bill back in 2010, but never did.


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