Monday, June 2, 2014

Hate Crime: V. Stiviano Brutally Beaten By Two White Men In NYC Called The “N-Word”

The woman at the center of the Donald Sterling racism scandal, the ex-Los Angeles Clippers owner’s gal pal V Stiviano, was badly beaten up by two white men in New York City on Sunday night, her lawyer.

Around 7pm, as Stiviano was leaving the Gansevoort Hotel in Manhattan’s Meatpacking District, “two white men descended on her,” attorney Mac Nehorary said.

“They were about 5’7 and they knew exactly who she was. They began to hit her and called her the N word. “Other disgusting slurs were made against her. She was able to run away and several onlookers then began attempting to apprehend the two men.” Stiviano was taken to a doctor who examined her for possible injuries, he said.

She is expected to make a full recovery, although “one side of her face is extremely red and she is obviously very scared (about her wellbeing),” Nehorary added to Radar. Stiviano hadn’t filed a police report yet, he added. “V started getting death threats almost immediately after Sterling’s racist rants — which she recorded — were made public,” a source previously said.

“Most of the threats were made on social media, and this is one of the reasons why she has scaled back her activity. It has been very scary for V, and she also hired a bodyguard.”During the outing on Sunday night, Stiviano was with a group of friends, but became separated from them as she was leaving the New York hotspot.
Stiviano will still be on Anderson Cooper’s show Monday night, Nehorary told Radar. “No one will intimidate her,” he said.


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