Thursday, June 5, 2014

Lupe Fiasco Compares Bieber To Donald Sterling (Video)

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Over the last several days, videos of Justin Bieber saying the N-Word hit the ‘net. The singer has since apologized, but not everyone has been accepting. In an interview with MTV, Lupe Fiasco said Bieber’s rhetoric was worse than Los Angeles Clippers owner, Donald Sterling. Conversely, YMCMB has shown their support for The Biebs. Says Mack Maine

“Bieber does not have a slave mentality. He treats his people with respect. [He] legitimately adopted the culture of the hip-hop, African-American culture. I remember telling a white man, Chinese man, Black man joke as a kid that was terrible and I told it to my friends because I thought they’d think it was funny,”

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