Monday, July 14, 2014

NFL: Pam Oliver Demoted From NFL Sideline Reporter, Replaced With Erin Andrews

Pam Oliver, a mainstay on big NFL broadcasts for almost two decades, will be demoted this year and removed from her longtime role as sideline reporter next year.’s Richard Deitsch had the news that Oliver will be replaced by another familiar face on Fox’s No. 1 NFL team: Erin Andrews. Andrews has been a huge star in the TV media field for a decade now, but it will still be strange to see Oliver getting phased out.
“I think it was predetermined coming in,” Oliver told “Not at that meeting, but two years ago it was determined that no matter what I did or did not do, a change would be made for this year.”

Fox Sports’ spin to is that Oliver will be in a more expanded role, doing long-form pieces, major interviews and producing, mostly for Showtime’s “60 Minutes Sports.” It’s pretty easy to see through that. The sad fact is, as Oliver pointed out, even lasting 19 years in her role as a female sideline reporter is rare.

“But I live in the real world and I know that television tends to get younger and where women are concerned,” Oliver, who is 53, told “Just turn on your TV. It’s everywhere. And I’m not saying these younger girls don’t deserve a chance. I know I’ve had my turn.”
 Here's what it looks like when Pam gets blind-sided.

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