
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Uh-Oh: Dwyane Wade’s Ex-Wife Claims He Gave Her An STD

Dwyane Wade’s legal situation with his scorned ex-wife Siohvaughn has taken a nasty turn for the worse, after she recently filed legal documents claiming that during their marriage Dwyane severely beat her and also gave her an STD.

The court documents have been obtained by, and Siovaughn claims that the abuse began soon after they got married on May 18th, 2002. Siovaughn detailed many intense instances of alleged physical abuse in the court documents, some of which she claims left her hospitalized for days on end.

“I had known that Dwyane Wade had a temper and could become violent at times, but when we moved out of my mother’s home … into our own apartment with our infant son, the violence increased. This, however, was just the surface of the domestic violence Dwayne Wade would inflict upon me. As Dwyane Wade’s income increased, his arrogance and pride increased as well.

“Dwyane Wade began to call me derogatory names more, throw things at me, hit me, take all my money from me, and even kicked me out of the house causing me not to have a place to live. … As a means of controlling me, and as part of Dwyane Wade’s domestic violence pattern, he would often hit me, lock me in rooms and not allow me out, threaten to take my sons from me and frighten me by telling me he knows judges and that they are on his pay roll and he can take the children from me at any time he wanted. The domestic violence and abuse continued on for several years in our family.

“I tried to leave Dwyane Wade, but when I did, he made sure I did not have access to my own home and he cut off all my bankcards and denied me access to any money. This exerting of power and control has continued to this day.”

In one particular abuse situation, Siovaughn claims that Dwyane beat her with a marble garbage can, and performed a body slam on her worthy of a WWF title fight.

“He picked up a garbage can made of marble stone and threw it at me. Dwyane Wade picked me up into the air above his head and slammed me down onto a large ottoman with such force that the ottoman broke into pieces when he slammed my body on it and banged my head against a marble bathroom floor.”

She went on with more examples of abuse, and eventually spoke on how she contracted an STD, allegedly from Dwyane Wade, and that is how she found out that he had been cheating on her. Dwyane filed for divorce shortly after this alleged discovery on May 27th, 2008, and they’ve been locked in a nasty legal battle ever since. They have a pending court date on February 28th, to discuss Siovaughn either selling the Illinois home that they lived in together during the time of their marriage, or possibly refinancing instead since the home fell into foreclosure for various reasons.


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