
Friday, November 1, 2013

Kanye & Kim Sue YouTube Co-Founder Chad Hurley Over Proposal Video Leak

Kanye West isn’t amused by the leak of the video where he proposed to his girlfriend Kim Kardashian.

Reports TMZ:
Kanye and Kim are suing YouTube co-founder Chad Hurley, claiming that he posted the proposal video on his new Internet venture, MixBit without permission. In the lawsuit, Kim and Kanye claim Hurley wasn’t even invited to the AT&T Park in San Francisco where Kane put a ring on Kim’s finger but manipulated his way in. But once he was in, they let him stay after he signed a confidentiality agreement and even clicked a photo of him holding the agreement which is attached with the lawsuit.
They have sued Hurley for unspecified damages, saying he posted Kanye’s engagement proposal on MixBit, tweeted it to nearly a million of his followers and even issued a press release. Interestingly, the lawsuit also mentions that the video was supposed to go to MC Cable Television, which is an arm of Bunim/Murray and E!, which produces and broadcasts Keeping Up with the Kardashians show.

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