
Saturday, October 5, 2013

President Obama: “Redskins Name Is Offensive, I’d Probably Change It”

Congress might be shut down … but President Barrack Obama found time to dive into the debate over the Washington Redskins name — telling a reporter he would “think about changing” the team name because it offends people.


Reports TMZ:

The Prez was asked about the issues renewed controversy over the past few months … and proclaimed nostalgia isn’t a good enough reason to keep the name.

Saying if he were team owner … there’d be serious discussion about changing it.
However, Barrack doesn’t think fans of the name are being racist — they’re just passionate for team history.

Obama joins a growing movement of people once again pushing for the change — including NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

Name change or not … the Redskins still suck this season.

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