
Monday, January 27, 2014

Is T.I. And Tiny’s Family Hustling Towards A Divorce? (Details)

Tiny said “It Ain’t Nothin’ To Cut That B***h Off” is her favorite song right now and T.I. is talking a whole lotta change. What’s happening to “The Family Hustle?”
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Troubleman posted this troubled gram on Saturday, suggesting that change had arrived rather abruptly (in the last 24 hours) and he wasn’t letting anybody take what was his away (hmmm HALF OF EVERYTHING right?). It might have just seemed rather random and cryptic had Tiny not taken to her Instagram as well.
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Screen Shot 2014-01-27 at 10.15.08 AM reached out to a source in T.I.’s camp, who was with the rapper in Los Angeles to attend the 56 Annual Grammy Awards. According to my source, T.I. and Tiny traveled together to LA — and as far as the source knows, there are no plans for a divorce. All couples experience ups and downs in the course of their relationship. In Tiny and T.I.’s case, the pressure is unrelenting. For instance, there are rumors that T.I. recently violated Tiny’s trust by sleeping with one of her female friends. But that’s nothing new.

Another rumor has it that T.I. refuses to support Tiny’s new business venture, a line of tequila, because he feels it sends the wrong message to their young fans. T.I. and Tiny have 2 sons together. T.I. also has 3 children with other women, and Tiny has a daughter from a previous relationship

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