Joe’s old Ladyfriends want you to know that the recent allegations against him sound like the same old song & dance.

Three years ago, video vixen Esther Baxter accused Budden of using physical violence on her.
“AND!??? NEVER denied being pregnant TWICE!! but that was months ago…you KNOW what happened to our daughter don’t you!!?? @JoeBudden,” Baxter tweeted May 3, 2011.
“Oh I have pics to…but then they would prove you’re a murder & a wife beater!! wouldn’t they!??? @JoeBudden lets ask the courts shall we!??”
“Documented proof speaks volumes!!! You can put out pics of me naked!! But I have pics of abuse and death!!! Try me!! @JoeBudden”
“Let’s see how much your fans love and ride with you then!!! @JoeBudden” (Esther Baxter’s Twitter)
A year prior, Joe’s ex-wifey Tahiry Jose said he hurt her during their long relationship together.
“I just want you guys to know this is very, very difficult to address, discuss, even talk about and sometimes think about it,” Tahiry said in a statement. “I’ve avoided to for months — the fact that he’s not telling the truth after rapping about it to me is just completely disgusting. I’ll just let you guys know that if he had never publicly discussed our break-up, I wouldn’t have neither. Let alone the fact he put his hands on me — it’s his choice to discuss it however he wants it, even if it’s to the world, he’s free to handle it the way he wants to handle it…The day I heard his ['Downfall'] song was the day I was having my tattoo party which is why I chose to address it the way I did…I left and will never go back because he put his hands on me…Nobody should ever allow or accept anybody to put their hands on them. So I wish it all would end…” (This Is 50)
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